Tag Archive | contest

First Giveaway – Surprise Prizes :) (Philippines) *Closed*

Hello everyone! Hooray! My first ever giveaway. I’m so excited for this. 🙂 You will be winning 5 items but no one can see them except for the winner. Btw, I’ll call this the MG Box. This box contains some of my favorite products from various stores. Sadly, this giveaway will be within the jurisdiction of the Philippines only. Don’t worry guys, more giveaways will come and it will be international. 😉

Yeah, that’s how excited I am. The prizes are already packed. Hehehe. 🙂

You will win:

  • 2 fashion items
  • 1 beauty item
  • 2 nail items
  • One year of blog advertisement (You must provide me your banner) [If you have a beauty or fashion blog]
  • A lollipop signature made by me. 🙂

Here are the rules:

1. Be a follower of this blog. If you are a wordpress user, you can follow me instantly by clicking the “follow” button on the right sidebar. If you are not a user, you can subscribe through e-mail. Type your e-mail address on the box and click “follow”. (2 points).

2. Like MG’s Fan Page. Click here(2 points).

3. Post a picture of your NOTW (Nail polish/Nails of the week) or OOTD (Outfit of the day, the exact day you will join.) on MG’s Fan Page or on your blog. (5 points). [OPTIONAL] 

4. Like these pages: ONE NaturalesPapemelrotiMISSHA and Y.R.Y.S.(4 points)

Put this on the timeline on each of these pages: “Hena from https://mistakenglance.wordpress.com/ sent me to say hi. ^_^”  No post, no points.

5.  Post the giveaway banner somewhere on your blog. [OPTIONAL] (2 points)

6. Follow this blog on Bloglovin’. bloglovin [OPTIONAL] (2 points)

7. If you are the winner, please remember to respond within 3 days. Failure to do so will lead to choosing of another winner.

Answer the following on the comment box:

FB Name:

WordPress username/e-mail address used to follow this blog:

Link of your NOTW or OOTD:

Where did you put the banner?:

*This giveaway will end on July 10. The winner will be chosen through the fruit machine. 🙂

So, yeah. That’s pretty much it. I hope you join and also invite your friends. Remember that this giveaway is for Philippines only. 🙂 Lots of giveaways to come.

Have a nice day. Good Luck!

Hena ❤